Monday, January 21, 2008

Soul Searching

It's January and the times are pretty slow. We've already had a long winter. Renovations have taken it's monetary toll on all of us. Paying rent has become quite the challenge. The thought of working a four day week used to sound great but, now we're begging for hours and money. Just the other day I caught Brian Versa (yes the future Master of the Year), selling his soul for two dollars. A guest asked him if he thought the Patriots were going to beat the Chargers and to my disbelief, Brian said "of course sir". Brian took the two dollar tip and with bowed head returned to the bell desk to cry.
Now, can we pay the rent? Yes. Did Brian have to sell his soul to do it? Yes. Are we, as a team, sick of having to sell our collective souls in order to "make things happen"? HELL YES!
The real question is how much longer can we do it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just don't forget to sell your soul with a smile. If you do that, Brian may have gotten $5. ;-)